Engagement with stakeholders

The Company’s stakeholders are state bodies, local authorities, public legal entities, shareholders and investors, other legal entities and individuals who may have an interest in the Company’s performance and (or) may have a significant impact on the Company’s activities and services.

key stakeholders of the Company
Stakeholders Stakeholder relations
Company’s S&As

These parties are interested in disseminating the best corporate governance practices to them and maintaining their image as part of Rosseti Group.
Interaction is effected through the management and control bodies of S&As in accordance with the applicable laws of the Russian Federation and local regulations, joint activities, as well as interaction on current issues within the framework of standard business processes, including reporting

For more details, please see Appendix No. 3 to the Report.

Company personnel.

Social partners (trade unions, employers’ associations)

These parties are interested in an attractive business culture, competitive wages, social and health benefits, opportunities for personal, professional development and work safety.

The interaction ways:

  • Implementation of the Collective Agreement, a succession pool programme and targeted human resources assessment and development projects
  • Staff training and qualification improvement
  • Meetings between management representatives and the personnel, professional competitions, cultural and sporting events
  • Council of Young Professionals and participation in the All-Russian Electrical Trade Union
  • Adaptation and mentoring for new employees and support for veterans

For more details, please see the Human Resources Management subsection of the Sustainable Development section.
Investment community (shareholders and investors)
These parties have an interest in the growth of total shareholder return, including dividend yield and capitalisation of the Company, its development, consideration of the interests of all shareholder groups, information transparency and openness of the Company, efficiency of production activities for sustainable development, and a high level of corporate governance. Interaction is through General Meetings of Shareholders, representation in management and control bodies, as well as through the disclosure of information about the Company
Consumers of electricity and grid connection services, territorial grid organisations

Interaction is through customer service centres, the power grid services portal of Rosseti Group at www.портал-тп.рф, and the contact centre with unified federal numbers 8-800-100-15-52 and 8-800-220-0-220.
Individuals can also send messages (claims, complaints, applications, requests) through the online reception desk on Rosseti Kuban’s official website at: https://rosseti-kuban.ru

For more details, please see the Customer relations subsection of the Sustainable Development section.
Partners (suppliers, contractors, business partners, professional and industry associations, including international ones)

These parties are interested in mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation, stable financial condition of the Company, timely and accurate fulfilment of contractual obligations, transparency in procurement and rejection of corruption.
Interaction is through procurement procedures, negotiations, participation in topic-related forums, seminars and conferences with media participation, and through the corporate website

For more details, please see the Sustainable Development section.
State (federal, regional and local authorities)

This party is interested in ensuring the reliable and sustainable functioning of the energy system, discussing and reviewing government projects and decisions related to industry regulation, cooperating on planning and implementing territorial development programmes in the region of operation, participating in the Energy Strategy of Russia and the Strategy for Development of the Power Grid Complex of the Russian Federation, meeting medium-term and long-term demand for electricity, attracting additional investment to the region, creating new jobs, and increasing tax payments.
Interaction is carried out by setting tariffs for regulated activities, approval of investment programmes and reports on their implementation, participation in working groups to develop the electric power industry perspective development roadmap, conclusion of cooperation agreements, reporting to authorities and information disclosure in accordance with Russian legislation, transfer of tax payments, expert discussions, conferences, forums, working meetings and joint events with representatives of the authorities

Society (public, social, charitable and environmental organisations, scientific and educational institutions, non-consumers, media)

The said party is interested in reliable energy supply, employment, development of regions of presence, environmental protection, energy efficiency, implementation of social and charitable programmes, development of science and education, introduction of advanced scientific developments and technologies, demand for young promising personnel, full information about the Company’s activities.
Interaction is through participation in charity projects, publications in the media and on the corporate website, press conferences, PR events, topic-related seminars, forums, competitions, meetings and topic-related events with veterans, students, schoolchildren, etc., application of measures to prevent electrical accidents with the population, participation in research and educational projects

For more details, please see the Sustainable Development section.