Electricity Delivery

Rosseti Kuban’s core business is associated with the delivery and distribution of electricity to customers via 110 kV or lower voltage grids. The Company’s share in the regional electricity transmission market in 2022 was 77.1% (of the regional required gross revenue).

In 2022, the Company achieved its key targets for electricity loss in transmission, which totalled 9.51%, or 0.64 p.p. below the plan.

In 2022, the loss reduction efforts had an effect of 66 million kWh.

Oleg Nishchuk Deputy General Director for Service Sales

Key indicators

The Company’s production results for 2020–2022
Indicators 2020 2021 2022 Change in 2022 indicators compared to 2021 (%)
Delivery to the grid (mn kWh) 23,008.0 25,221.7 26,062.3 +3.3
Electricity delivered from the grid to customers and related territorial grid organisations within the area of balance and operational responsibility (mn kWh) 20,697.2 22,719.6 23,582.8 +3.8
Losses of electricity in transmission:
mn kWh 2,310.8 2,502.1 2,479.5 –0.9
% 10.04 9.92 9.51 –0.41 p.p.
Volume of electricity transmission services provided:
mn kWh 19,108.1 21,004.5 21,947.8 +4.5
RUB mn 48,101.9 54,526.3 61,452.9 +12.7

In the reporting year, actual electricity losses in the power grids of Rosseti Kuban amounted to 2,480 million kWh, or 9.51% of the delivery to the grid. In 2022, the relative level of losses to 2021 was reduced by –0.41 p.p. The year-end loss allowance is met.

The Company’s operations in 2022 resulted in total volume of electricity transmission services of 21,948 million kWh, which is 943 million kWh, or 4.5%, more than in 2021.

Electricity loss reduction measures

Reducing electricity losses is one of the Company’s primary activities.

By the end of 2022, the effect of steps taken to reduce electricity transmission losses totalled 66 million kWh (RUB 248 million), including from:

  • Organisational measures — 58 million kWh (RUB 219 million)
  • Technical measures — 8 million kWh (RUB 29 million)

In the future, the efforts in this area will be continued.

The electricity loss reduction programme was implemented, and the programme’s target – the level of electricity losses – was achieved.


Electricity Metering

delivery points for legal entities
delivery points to apartment buildings
delivery points to domestic consumers
delivery points with technical record-keeping function

Pursuant to Federal Law No. 522-FZ dated 27 December 2018 “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Electricity (Capacity) Metering Systems in the Russian Federation”, the Concept of Smart Metering Development of Rosseti, PJSC in Retail Markets approved by the decision of the Management Board of Rosseti, PJSC (Minutes No. 885pr/1 dated 26 June 2019), the Company’s Board of Directors approved the Smart Metering Development Programme for 2020–2030 (Minutes No. 374/2020), hereinafter referred to as the Programme, on 21 January 2020.

Results of the Programme in 2022, metering points:
Indicator Actual 2021 Plan 2022 Actual 2022
Scope of completion (introduction, implementation) of measures including: 49,385 58,109 4,524
Installation/replacement of technical electricity meters 2,646 1,950 1,950
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters within the grid connection framework, under the Investment Programme 20,389 24,263 27,890
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters in case of absence or breakdown, or expiry of the calibration interval/service life of meters, under the Investment Programme 6,221 23,273 8,386
Installation/replacement of commercial electricity meters in case of absence or breakdown, or expiry of the calibration interval / service life of meters, under the Repair Programme 6,848 8,623 7,298
Installation/replacement of electricity meters under energy service agreements 13,281 0 0

Introduction of electricity meters with remote data collection

In the reporting year, 1,950 technical electricity meters and 29,900 commercial electricity meters were installed and automated. A total of 31,850 electricity meters installed/replaced and automated in 2022.

In 2023, it is planned to continue the installation/replacement and automation of commercial electricity meters in the absence, breakdown, expiry of the calibration interval / service life of electricity meters, as well as during grid connection, in order to create a smart electricity metering system to meet the requirements of the Federal Law “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Electricity (Power) Metering Systems in the Russian Federation” No. 522-FZ dated 27 December 2018.

Total number of automated electricity meters with remote data collection, as of 31 December 2022 across Rosseti Kuban, PJSC