Bonded Loans

The Programme for Exchange Bonds series 002P of Kubanenergo, PJSC was approved by the resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors on 20 September 2016 (Minutes No.251/2016); ID number 4-00063-А-002Р-02Е was assigned to the programme on 24 October 2016.

The programme provides for the placement of exchange-traded bonds with a total nominal value of up to RUB 25 billion and a term of up to 30 years. There was no placement of the bonds under this Programme in the reporting year.

The list of securities admitted to trading on Moscow Exchange, PJSC includes documentary interest-bearing non-convertible bearer-payable exchange-traded bonds with mandatory centralised custody of Series 001P-01 placed in 2015 under the Exchange-Traded Bond Programme with identification number 4-00063-A-001P-02E dated 26 August 2015, in the amount of RUB 3.6 billion. On 31 January 2020, in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 371/2019 dated 30 December 2019), the Company repurchased those bonds in full before maturity.