Economic security of operations

Ensuring the economic security of operations is one of Rosseti Kuban’s most important tasks.

In the reporting year, to ensure the economic security of its own operations, the Company undertaken the following:

  • Protecting the Company’s interests against external and internal threats of an economic nature
  • Combating the unaccounted electricity consumption and an increase in accounts receivable
  • Interacting with law enforcement and supervisory authorities
  • Conducting inspections of the following:
    • Whistleblowing reports of individuals and legal entities
    • Potential and existing subcontractors of the Company, their business reputation and financial position, and to identify and prevent possible unfair practices on their part
    • People recruited in terms of the credibility of their documents and the existence of compromising information about them

The amount of damage avoided in 2022 is 2.15 times higher than in 2021.

In the reporting year, the value of overdue accounts receivable decreased, and consequently, the General Director’s KPI in this part was met.

In 2022, more than RUB 29 million of debts related to grid connections were recovered; the efforts in this area were made systematic, accounted for and controlled.

In 2022, there were 420 writs of execution for debts for electricity transmission services, which is 155 (58%) more than in 2021. In 2022, the recovery amounted to RUB 124.5 million, which is RUB 59.1 million, or 90%, more than in 2021. The amount owed under the enforcement documents, to be recovered, was RUB 1,238.63 million. There has been an increase in the number of enforcement documents.

The most significant results of economic security activities of the Company in the reporting year:

  • Practices were established to counter illegal tampering and fraudulent schemes by third-party grid organisations
  • Damage of more than RUB 160 million was prevented by stopping an attempt by a TGO to use fraudulent tariff schemes
  • The Company participated in efforts to recover over RUB 3 billion in damages caused by a deliberate breach of contractual obligations on the part of a counterparty
  • The Company initiated criminal proceedings under Article 165 of the Criminal Code against an individual entrepreneur who caused damage to the Company in the amount of RUB 1.8 million as a result of non-contractual electricity consumption. The court found the defendant guilty and sentenced him, while the civil claim of the Company against the individual entrepreneur for full compensation for damages (RUB 1.8 million) was satisfied
Key indicators of economic security performance of Rosseti Kuban in 2020–2022
Indicators in terms of security 2020 2021 2022 Δ 2021/2022 (%)
Number of audits carried out with the involvement of branch security functions in the area of financial and economic activities to detect, prevent and recover (repay) damage 2,319 9,771 10,396 +6
Anti-corruption control of the stages of procurement activities (review of analytical notes, issues submitted to meetings of the Central Procurement Body (Central Tender Commission), anti-corruption expertise of draft agreements, check of procurement participants for possible affiliation with Company employees) 2,534 2,124 2,211 +4
Calls handled by the hotline about possible corruption and fraud 20 21 11 –10
Material damage prevented, based on the results of the work done (RUB mn) 5,170.21 132.2 284.06 +115
Percentage of security personnel trained in the Company's human rights policy or specific security procedures and their application (%) 25 29 34 +5 p.p.