Investment activities

The investment programmes of Rosseti Kuban are developed according to the electric power industry prospective development roadmaps for the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya, technical condition of power grids and available financing sources, based on the tariff-and-balance solutions.

Approval and control over the implementation of the Company’s investment programmes are with the remit of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

In 2022, the Company commissioned:

579  MVA
of transformer capacities
1,069  km
of power transmission lines

Six priority facilities that were renovated in 2022 in compliance with the Russian government’s directives to build an affordable energy infrastructure for the Republic of Adygeya’s industrial and investment sites as well as the implementation of the three-way agreement signed in 2020.

Viktor Korzhanevskiy Deputy General Director for Investment Activities

In the reporting year, the Rosseti Kuban’s investment operations were aligned with the delivery of the 2022 investment programme approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No. 19@ dated 10 November 2022.

In 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company reviewed the following issues:

  • Draft investment programme for 2023–2027 and amendments thereto for 2018–2022
  • Investment programme progress reports
  • Progress reports on the priority investment projects

Execution of the Investment Programme in 2020–2022

Indicators 2020 2021 2022 Δ 2022/2021 (%)
Financing (RUB mn)Hereinafter, in the Investing Activities section, the amount of capital funding is shown without capitalised interest on loans 5,608 7,215 12,076 +67
Assimilation of capital investments (RUB mn) 4,658 5,871 11,469 +95
Commissioning as a part of fixed assets (RUB mn) 4,418 5,128 8,634 +68
Commissioning as a part of transformer capacities (MVA) 159 220 579 +163
Commissioning as a part of power transmission lines (km) 593 612 1,069 +75

Focus Areas and Structure of Capital Funding

The main focus areas of the Rosseti Kuban’s Investment Programme in 2022:

  • Grid connection — RUB 7,033 million, including VAT (58.2%)
  • Retrofitting and renovation — RUB 4,529 million, including VAT (37.5%)
  • Investment projects under the prospective electric power industry development roadmap – RUB 93 million (0.8%)
  • Other new construction – RUB 152 million, including VAT (1.3%)
  • Other investment projects funded for RUB 269 million, including VAT (2.2%)
Structure of capital funding of Rosseti Kuban (RUB mn)
Rosseti Kuban, PJSC 2020 2021 2022
actual actual actual
Total 5,608 7,215 12,076
Grid connection 2,895 4,370 7,033
Renovation, upgrading and retrofitting 2,046 2,592 4,529
Investment projects under the prospective electric power industry development roadmap 207 30 93
Other new construction of power grid facilities 27 5 152
Other investment projects 433 218 269
Dynamic pattern of the Company’s capital finding in 2020–2022 (RUB mn)
Financing structure of Rosseti Kuban in 2022 (RUB mn)
Sources of funding for the 2022 investment programme (RUB MN)

Long-Term Investment Programme

Parameters of the Company’s Long-Term Investment Programme for 2023–2027Plans for the long-term investment programme of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC were approved by Order No. 19@ of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 10 November 2022.
Indicators Period
2021 (actual) 2022 (actual) 2023 (plan) 2024 (plan) 2025 (plan) 2026 (plan) 2027 (plan)
Financing (RUB mn) 7,215 12,076 11,466 5,705 6,044 6,279 6,499
Assimilation of capital investments (RUB mn) 5,871 11,469 8,045 5,160 4,639 5,835 4,480
Commissioning as a part of fixed assets (RUB mn) 5,128 8,634 11,925 4,196 4,933 4,816 6,546
Commissioning as a part of transformer capacities (MVA) 220 579 476 144 64 154 373
Commissioning as a part of power transmission lines (km) 612 1,069 726 451 509 493 907

The primary focus of the Rosseti Kuban’s long-term investment programme will be on renovation, upgrading and retrofitting of power grids.

Capital Construction Quality Control

Construction oversight is enforced by Decree No. 468 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the procedure for construction oversight during construction, renovation and overhaul of capital construction facilities dated 21 June 2010. Its aim is to check the compliance of work fulfilled during the construction, renovation and overhaul of capital construction facilities with the requirements of project design documents, technical regulations, land plot development plan and engineering survey results.

Independent expert and inspection entities were involved in the construction oversight at seven facilities with a voltage of 35 kV and above, where construction and installation operations were carried out in 2022.

Key investment projects with completed construction in 2022

Facility Construction period Capacity commissioned Investment amount (RUB mn, excl. VAT)
start end km MVA
Renovation of the 110/35/10 kV Pochtovaya substation. Replacement of two 10 MVA T-1 and T-2 transformers with two 40 MVA transformers 2016 2022 0 80 473.2
Renovation of the 110/35/10/6 kV Cheremushki substation, including replacement of the 2.5 MVA T-3 transformer with 25 MVA transformer and installation of the 25 MVA T-4 transformer 2020 2022 0 50 569.8
Renovation of the 35/10 kV Kombizavod substation with replacement of two 2.5 MVA transformers by two 6.3 MVA transformers 2016 2022 0 12.6 171.1
Renovation of the 35/10 kV Sadovaya substation with installation of a 10 MVA T-2 transformer and construction of a incoming 35 kV overhead line with changes in the substation's connection to the grid 2020 2022 2.03 10 269.4
Renovation of the 35/10 kV Tulskaya substation, with replacement of two 4 MVA transformers with two 10 MVA transformers 2020 2022 0 20 127.0
Renovation of the 110/35/10/6 kV Severnaya substation, including replacement of the 4 MVA T-3 transformer with 25 MVA transformer and installation of the 25 MVA T-4 transformer 2022 2022 0.27 50 476.0
Renovation of the 35/10 kV Enem substation, with replacement of two 5.6 MVA transformers with two 10 MVA transformers 2016 2022 0 20 245.6