Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a collective governance body executing the general management of the Company’s operations, defining its strategy, controlling the operations of the executive bodies of the Company, the implementation of resolutions made by the General Meeting of Shareholders, and the respect of the legitimate interests of the shareholders of Rosseti Kuban.

Main goals and objectives of the Board of Directors:

  • Defining the development strategy of the Company, which is aimed to enhance its market value and investment attractiveness, to receive maximum profits, and expand corporate assets
  • Providing the exercise and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the shareholders, as well as assisting in corporate conflict resolution
  • Providing for full, reliable and objective disclosure of the Company’s information to shareholders and other parties concerned
  • Establishing effective internal controls
  • Conducing regular assessment of executive body activities and the Company’s management operations

To achieve the goals and objectives set, the Board of Directors abides by the following principles:

  • Decisions are to be made based on reliable information about the Company’s operations
  • Shareholders’ rights to involvement with the management of the Company and the acquisition of the dividends and the Company’s information are not to be restricted
  • Interests of various shareholder groups are to be balanced and the Board of Directors shall make decisions that are objective and in the best interests of all of the Company’s shareholders

The expenses incurred by the Company for D&O insurance of the members of the Board of Directors in 2022 amounted to RUB 7.5 million.

In its operations, the Board of Directors abides by Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies and other federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation, the Company’s Articles of Association and the Regulation on the Board of DirectorsThe Regulation on the Board of Directors of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC is published on the Company’s website in the About the Company / Constituent and Internal Documents section..

According to the Articles of Association of Rosseti Kuban, the remit of the Board of Directors was expanded beyond the provisions of Federal Law On Joint Stock Companies.