Development of Additional (Non-Tariff) Services

Development of additional (non-tariff) services is one of Rosseti Kuban’s priorities.

In this regard, Rosseti Kuban’s key goals are to expand the market share of additional (non-tariff) services and non-tariff revenues, improve service accessibility and commercialise consumer engagement procedures.

Rosseti Kuban provides a full range of services in accordance with the Unified Consolidated List of Additional (Non-Tariff) Services for Consumers approved by Rosseti, PJSC.

Rosseti Kuban carried out a variety of steps in 2022 as part of the development of additional services:

  • Company’s branches established non-tariff services divisions and groups within their customer relations units. The staffing schedules of the Company’s branches were changed. These units are responsible for organising and coordinating the provision of additional (non-tariff) services
  • Training seminars were organised and conducted in the area of additional services
  • The regulations on the process of implementing additional (non-tariff) services were updated
  • Advertising and information activities were implemented to raise consumer awareness of the additional services provided by the Company
  • Centralised supply of material and technical resources was organised according to the needs defined on the basis of requests from the Company’s branches. Framework agreements were concluded for the supply of materials for additional services
  • New types of additional services were introduced

Revenue from additional services increased significantly over the prior year as a result of the methodical development of new services.

Dmitry Goryachev Head of Non-Tariff Service Development Department

In addition to electricity transmission and grid connection services subject to mandatory state regulation, Rosseti Kuban provides additional (non-tariff) services to consumers:

  • equipment leasing and placement services
  • repair and maintenance
  • construction and installation
  • consulting, organisational and technical services
  • other services
1,003.9 RUB mn
additional service revenue in the reporting year, (6% more than planned)
208.1 RUB mn
(26%) year-on-year increase in revenue from additional services for 2022
Dynamic profile of revenue from additional services in 2020–2022 (RUB mn)
Structure of revenue from additional services in 2020–2022
Indicator UoM 2020 2021 2022 Δ 2022/2021 (%)
Revenue from sales of additional (non-tariff) services related to other activities RUB mn 536.4 795.8 1,003.9 +26.1
Equipment leasing and placement services RUB mn 146.3 162.6 148.9 –8.4
Repair and maintenance RUB mn 96.2 103.9 344.2 +231.3
Construction and installation RUB mn 212.9 357.4 399.0 +11.6
Consultancy and organisational & technical services RUB mn 69.9 169.2 108.3 –36.0
Agency services RUB mn 0 0 0
Communication and information technology services RUB mn 0 0.003 0.001 –66.7
Other activity services RUB mn 11.0 2.7 3.5 +29.6
Other services RUB mn 0 0.035 0 –100.0
Volume (share) of non-tariff revenue in total revenue % 2.6 3.1 3.4 +0.3 p.p

Maintenance and repair services, diagnostics and testing, construction and installation, renovation and retrofitting of consumers’ power grid facilities, services for placement of telecommunications equipment, including fibre-optic communication lines, services for electricity consumption limitation (restoration) were the key contributors to the revenue in 2022.

The price list for additional (non-tariff) services was updated in 2022; according to it, the Company provides a full range of services required by consumers in the power supply process; to date, the price list includes 485 services.

The largest agreements for additional (non-tariff) services implemented in 2022
S. No. Name Non-tariff services of the Company Volume of revenues (RUB mn)
1 FSUE GUSS construction and installation works
2 Metrix-Olginka, LLC construction and installation works
3 Talent and Success Educational Foundation operational maintenance
4 Transstroymekhanisatsiya, LLC construction and installation works
5 Krasnaya Polyana, NJSC construction and installation works
6 SUE Kubanvodokomplekt, Krasnodar Territory construction and installation works
7 M.I. Kalinin Agricultural Company, OJSC construction and installation works
8 Privolye Agrofirm, LLC construction and installation works
Key projects and major agreements scheduled for 2023
S. No. Name Non-tariff services of the Company Volume of revenues (RUB mn)
1 Rosseti, PJSC (as the legal successor of DEUK-ENES, JSC) repair and maintenance
2 Transstroymekhanisatsiya, LLC construction and installation works
3 Kubstroy-15, LLC construction and installation works
4 Krasnaya Polyana, NJSC construction and installation works
5 Talent and Success Educational Foundation operational maintenance
6 Slavyansk ECO, LLC alteration of power grid facilities initiated by third parties (bundled service)
7 Myastorg, LLC construction and installation works
8 Betagran Kuban, LLC construction and installation works
9 Energoservice Kuban, JSC repairs
10 StroyResource, LLC construction and installation works
11 Abrau-Durso Wine Tourism Centre, LLC construction and installation works
Targets for additional services (RUB mn)
Indicators 2023 (Plan) 2024 (Forecast) 2025 (Forecast) 2026 (Forecast) 2027 (Forecast)
Revenue 845.0 1,615.6 1,762.8 2,971.7 4,119.0
Expenditures 764.6 1,454.1 1,586.5 2,674.5 3,707.1
Gross profit 80.4 161.5 176.3 297.2 411.9