Information Technologies and Telecommunications

The following initiatives were implemented by the Company in the development of information technology and telecommunications

Functionality of the corporate software package was expanded:

  • Functionality of data exchange with the TP RF Portal (power grid services portal) was improved in terms of accounting for applications received through the Unified Portal of Public Services
  • Microgeneration module was implemented to record consumers’ applications for grid connection of microgeneration facilities
  • Services were developed for data exchange (grid connection applications, customer communications, additional services) between the information systems of Rosseti, PJSC and Rosseti Kuban, PJSC as part of the implementation of the Rosseti Group’s Unified Integration Solution. Preliminary tests of the services were carried out jointly with Rosseti Digital IT-integrator
  • More than 90 reporting and screen forms were created and elaborated, with 24/7 technical support to users provided

In terms of the development of the corporate information system “1C:Enterprise. Production Enterprise Management System (PEMS CIS)”:

  • Budgeting subsystem was put into operation,
  • Measures were implemented to automate the accounting of and control over certain types of goods and products and the commissioning of grid connection facilities
  • The following table shows how the PEMS CIS functionality improvement measures were put in place to comply with RF regulations
implemented in PEMS CIS
List of regulations
1 Functionality expanded, traceable goods record-keeping tools developed

Federal Law No. 371 dated 9 September 2020 On Amendments to Part One and Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation On Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation (according to the Federal Law, a traceability system for imported goods is introduced in the Russian Federation)

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 807 dated 25 June 2019 On Conducting an Experiment on the Traceability of Goods Released in the Territory of the Russian Federation under the Customs Procedure of Release for Domestic Consumption

2 Record-keeping of radio electronic products implemented for import substitution of radio electronic products

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2013 dated 3 December 2020 On Minimum Procurement of Goods of Russian Origin

All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity, approved by Order No. 14-st of Rosstandart dated 31 January 2014

3 Functionality improved in terms of commissioning of grid connection facilities and monitoring of the actual implementation of the investment programme financed by grid connection funds Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation On Pricing in the Field of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) in the Electric Power Industry No. 1178 dated 30 June 2022
4 A functionality was developed to calculate depreciation and lease liabilities for leased property and leased property FAS 25/2018 Lease Accounting (approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Finance No. 208n dated 16 October 2018)

Functionality of the electricity metering information system was expanded in part of:

  • Electricity balancing at all grid levels and analysing imbalances and excessive electricity losses
  • Automated data exchange within the information exchange with electricity retailers
  • Computer-assisted search for discrepancies in electricity consumption by metering point, during reconciliation with electricity retailers
  • Automated downloading of metering and power readings from the Computer-Assisted Acquisition System (CAAS) and the Pyramid-Network Information and Computing System
  • Metering and monitoring of metering devices installed for consumers under Federal Law No. 522-FZ dated 27 December 2018 On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Metering Systems for Electricity (Power) in the Russian Federation

In the reporting year, work continued on setting up integration flows between the Company’s electricity transport metering information system and the Unified Customer Interaction Integration Platform of Rosseti Group to meet the requirements of Russian Government Resolution No. 890 dated 19 June 2020 On the Procedure for Providing Access to the Minimum Set of Functions of Smart Electricity (Capacity) Metering Systems.

To improve the reliability of the Company’s call centre, the call centre platform was upgraded to introduce Interactive Voice Response (IVR) using Yandex speech synthesiser, to implement a web interface for administration, and to increase the number of concurrent operators from 25 to 30 employees.

The Operational and Technological Control – Kuban information system was developed in order to organise performance control of the Company’s dispatching services, to display the status of electrical equipment and weather conditions.

The Salary and Personnel Management automated information system was put into commercial operation to automate timekeeping and shift scheduling, harmful and hazardous working conditions, personnel and military records, work with manning schedule, calculation of salaries, taxes and insurance premiums, reduced labour intensity of regulated reporting.

In terms of the development of core IT infrastructure and services, the following activities were carried out in 2022:

  • The project to migrate the Company’s branches to the single domain was completed. Subdomain names were deployed for each branch office, and servers and user workstations were migrated
  • Garant, Techexpert and Consultant Plus information and reference systems were updated and migrated to new server capacity
  • Mail edge servers were updated to the latest versions to meet information security requirements
  • Servers of the Intelligent Electricity Metering System (IEMS) and the Pyramid-Network Automated Electricity Control and Metering System (AECMS) were migrated from physical capacities to the virtual platform; static network routes for data transmission from contractors and Company branches were reconfigured, and AECMS server capacities were modernised and expanded
  • As part of the R&D project to develop a software system for assessing and forecasting the technical condition and development of defects in 35-110 kV power transformers (forecasting SW) and the R&D project to develop a unified IoT platform for dispatching data on the condition of the Afipskaya substation equipment, the server equipment was installed and put into operation
  • As part of the import substitution programme, domestic operating systems and virtualisation platforms from Astra Linux and ALT Linux were tested
  • To manage corporate mobile devices, the Aurora Centre platform was deployed on the Company’s server facilities