On 18 November 2022, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the updated programme on Digital Transformation of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC for the period until 2030 (Minutes No. 499/2022 dated 21 November 2022), hereinafter referred to as the Programme.
The Programme aims to increase the Company’s operational efficiency across all functional areas in both traditional and emerging service markets.
The Programme covers a number of functional areas of Rosseti Group’s Digital Transformation Strategy and includes the following projects:
Functional area of Rosseti Group’s Digital Transformation Strategy
Operation and diagnostics
Expected effects after project completion
R&D: Development of a software package for the assessment and prediction of the technical condition and propagation of defects in 35–110 kV power transformers based on measurements performed by the automated monitoring and diagnostics system, as well as PAMS data, with the provision of relevant recommendations to operating personnel
Increased reliability and service life of the oil-filled equipment in service and optimisation of processes in the PAMS
Reliable mechanism for predicting the development of defects, using objective accumulated industry knowledge and modern data processing methods (BigData technology)
Greater value to the end-user of the diagnostic information obtained from the Automated Monitoring and Diagnostics System (AMDS), thus paving the way for the transition from automated monitoring and diagnostic systems, which produce large amounts of diagnostic information that requires expert teams to interpret, to automated condition determination systems that rely on existing standards and allow the formation of an integral assessment for operational decisions on the management of production assets in the context of the common information model CIM) concept
Reduced labour costs and errors in manual data migration thanks to integration into the PAMS
R&D: Development of a unified IoT platform for dispatching data about the status of substation equipment
Reduced investment costs for equipment upgrades through increased observability Increased likelihood of preventing disturbances
Reduced installation and maintenance costs for wired communications
Reduced labour required for manual entry of measurement data using mobile devices
Savings from improved reliability of electricity supply to consumers
Creation of a distributed automation system in 6-10 kV distribution grids of Seversky PGR, branch of Rosseti Kuban, Krasnodar Power Grids and Dagomyssky PGR branch, Rosseti Kuban, Sochi Power Grids (design and survey work)
Improved reliability of services in the electric power sector
Increased observability of power grids
Reduced capital investment and time for the construction of new or renovation of existing high-voltage transmission lines, by avoiding a change in voltage class (35–110 kV)
Sales of services and commercial electricity metering
Expected effects after project completion
Creation of a smart metering system for the retail electricity (capacity) market
Achievement of 8.42% electricity losses in the Company’s grids by 2025, and 7.42% – by 2030
Minimisation of discrepancies in billing for electricity transmission services
Information security
Expected effects after project completion
Establishment of a system to protect critical information infrastructure facilities of Rosseti Kuban, PJSC
Minimisation of risks associated with the termination of net delivery, downtime of administrative and management personnel due to the realisation of information security threats
Compliance with information security directives at critical information infrastructure facilities
Minimisation of financial and reputational risks associated with leaks of restricted information
R&D: Automated classification of accidents based on machine learning methods
Reduced overall risk of information security breaches, through timely response to information security threats identified by the system, related to anomalies in the behaviour of LAN nodes and user actions
In addition, the programme plans to implement a number of PAMS development projects, as well as to participate in centralised projects of Rosseti, PJSC.
The Programme contains an action plan for the transition to the predominant use of domestic software for the period of 2022–2024.
The share of expenses on procurement of Russian software and related works (services) in the total expenses on procurement of software and related works (services) in 2022 was 92%, which is 2% higher than in the Programme.
The digital transformation will also affect the following aspects of the Company’s operations:
IT infrastructure development – from purchasing software to collaborative development through partnerships and open platforms
Implementation of global best practices – from benchmarking of best practices and purchase of solutions and/or technologies to R&D, development and trial operation of pilot samples and subsequent rollout within Rosseti Group
The target model of digital transformation provides for the development of the Company in the main areas of activity: transmission and distribution of electricity, grid connection of consumers and grid development.
Amounts of funding for activities of the Digital Transformation Programme of Rosseti Kuban in 2020–2022 (RUB MN)